The Corriere della Sera reports that a German man has listed a Volkswagen Golf on eBay which formerly belonged to Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.
It's quite a modest car - it cost about Eur 10,000 back in 1999 and has 75,000 kilometres on the clock. eBay have confirmed that they have checked the documentation and that the vehicle was previously owned by Cardinal Ratzinger and its disposal to a party based outside the Vatican has been properly documented.

Polish Priest a spy?

La Repubblica reports that Fr Hejmo has said that he was 'naive' but 'not a spy' whilst admiting to having said too much.
St Catherine's Day

Happy Feastday to all the Dominicans out there - especially Lauren and Tom. St Catherine of Siena is one of my favourite saints. I admit that her mystical writings are so unsystematic that they leave me cold (my fault, I'm sure) but her letters and the story of her life are quite extraordinary.
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