I was at the 1st Vespers of Advent yesterday evening and was most impressed by the Holy Father's homily. He actually ad-libbed most of it - the official text is but a fraction of the whole. In his professorial way he presented a variation on St Augustine's idea of every Christian being called to give birth to Christ his heart. The Holy Father said that the Christian life is allowing Christ to 'take flesh' in each of us. (Our Lady is the paradigm of this.) I hope Zenit or someone posts the 'full' homily as I want to meditate on the text some more.
I also thought that my readers might appreciate this link to the Osservatore Romano papal photogallery.
This one is nice - 'Tutti pazzy per Papa Razzy' (Totally Krazy about Papa Ratzy - the Italian is deliberately mis-spelled, you see.)
At the tomb of Pope John Paul II.
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