Nope... Leo's Golden Hammer. I mentioned last week that there's an interesting exhibtion on at the Lateran Palace at the moment called Habemus Papam dealing with the 'election' of Popes from St Peter to Benedict XVI. Well, I was there this afternoon and can't recommend it highly enough. It has some absolutely astonishing artefacts, including the above - the golden hammer used by the Camerlengo to verify that Pope Leo XIII was dead. (The custom is that the Camerlengo taps the forehead of the deceased Pope and calls him by his baptismal name 3 times before verifiying his death.)

In addition to dealing with conclaves, the exhibition also deals with the development of the Petrine ministry during the ages, and the aboriginal Papal Election when Christ gave Peter the keys. There's a fascinating selection of pieces of art which protray Christ and St Peter, including the above late 4th Century relief.
And for Papal history buffs, this is incredibly cool - this is the letter sent by the Cardinal electors of the 1292-1294 Perugia conclave to the pious hermit Pietro di Murrone asking him to become Pope. He accepted, and as Pope St Celestine V has the distinction of being the only Pope to resign his office; ostensibly for the good of his soul, though there is some evidence that great pressure was placed on him by some unscrupulous Cardinals who found it difficult to cope with a saint in the Chair of Peter.
How long will the exhibits last? The Petros Eni is 'til March '07, no? Time to start looking for cheap airfare. If I were still in Scotland, I could've taken a Ryan Air flight. Sigh!
Yes, until March 8th. The Habemus Papam exhibition runs to April.
Don't forget that Dante put Pope Celestine V in Hell precisely because he resigned -- in favor of Pope Boniface VIII, who (in Dante's opinion) was the pits of the Papacy.
(excited manuscript noises)
Go on, tell us the story about Benedetto Gaetani and the speaking tube...
One presumes that Ratzinger and Sodano were 1 and 2 being Camerlengo and Vice-Camerlengo respectively.
Surely you mean, "Dean" and "Vice-Dean." Eduardo Cardinal Martínez Somalo is (and was at the time) the Camerlegno of the Holy Roman Church.
Dean & Vice-Dean... that's exactly what I mean.
Mea culpa and thank you!
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