Will we ever forget?
Everyone wanted a view. Seemingly out of nowhere materialized the Carabineri band, a detachement of the Italian military and the Swiss guards - all ready to pay their respects to the new Pontiff.
After waiting about 20 minutes there was definite activity on the balcony. Someone emerged and released the red curtains which had been tied back either side of the great window. The crowd gasped. And then Cardinal Estevez emerged and with much sssshing the crowd fell silent.
'Cari fratelli e sorelle,' (Dear brothers and sisters) he began. The crowd began to ask why he was not speaking Latin. Then he repeated the same words in Spanish (have they elected a Latin American?), and then in German, French and English. The crowd held its breath.
'Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum'
(And one could feel a wave of Great Joy sweep through the Square)
'Habemus papam'
(Applause and rejoicing - I must confess to being on the verge of tears)
'Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum'
(Yes, yes...)
(Nerves well and truly wracked
(And I cannot resist shouting 'Ratzinger' as Cardinal Estevez pauses for a mischievous smile)
'Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem'
(Get on with it!)
(The square explodes with joy!)
'Qui sibi nomen imposuit...'
(Ssssssh! )
'Benedictum XVI'
Immediately the chant went up - 'Benedetto! Benedetto!'
The Senior Cardinal deacon withdrew and Vatican staff emerged to hang the traditional tapestry with the arms of the previous Pope over the balcony.
After that they withdrew and the Cardinal electors began to appear at the balconies either side of the central one. They jostled each other for a good view and one or two began waving their birettas like schoolboys.
And then the processional cross was brought out onto the balcony by one of the Vatican MCs followed by the man himself! Benedict the 16th - Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. He looked overwhelmed - he gave his shy smile and began waving to the crowd. Not a natural showman like his predecessor he looked ill-at-ease, but for a second (and several people have said this to me) he looked just like John Paul II. A microphone was produced and he gave his message.
Dear brothers and sisters, after the great Pope John Paul II, the Lord Cardinals have elected me, a simple and humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord.
I am consoled by the fact that the Lord knows how to work and act even with insufficent instruments and I particularly entrust myself to your prayers.
In the joy of the Risen Lord, trusting in His constant help, we move ahead. May the Lord help us and and may His Mother be at our side. Thank you.
Long may he reign, and may the Lord sustain him in his service.
Plus - Interesting Rumour over at NLM's Shawn Tribe:
News has come to the NLM that we may see the venerable Cardinal John Henry Newman beatified very shortly now. It is said that this announcement may be made by the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, in approximately two weeks time.Because of the Holy Father's regard for Newman, I can well understand him wanting to do this beatification himself. Obviously, this is just speculation at this stage, but I'm already excited about the prospect of an October Beatification.
The NLM has also been told that the beatification ceremony will likely take place in Rome in October and that the Holy Father will beatify Cardinal Newman himself.
This will be a glorious day for Catholics of the English speaking world if so. Speaking personally, I have one entire shelf of my personal library dedicated to the great Cardinal's writings.
Please pray for the Cardinal's cause in your daily prayers and upcoming Masses.
Not easy to forget, indeed. I was at the office. Nor I can forget the comments of some of my (ex) colleagues.
My dear Zadok, you have just given me a great pang of nostalgia for Rome, our dear Holy Father (even though he is on these shores now), and your esteemed self. It's a good thing I don't own a car, because I'd probably be driving to the airport now if I did.
I shall have to go console myself by finishing my thesis draft.
A day that I shall always remember. Many thanks for re-posting your own account of that day. And to think that the Holy Father is in my own country for his anniversary, and that I was just within 30 feet of him two days ago at the Papal Mass in Washington. What blessings!
Is there anybody out there that received the Eucharist directly from the Holy Father and would like to speak about it?
I remember it and always shall. (My husband remembers me dancing around the living room, but I think he's making that part up...)
With Papa's visit to the US this past week we were treated to a number of documentaries on TV and were able to relive it.
You may be unaware that many news commentators in the US, (although I also recall one Italian journalist saying the same thing, at the time,) insist on talking about the "dismay" and the "stunned silence" from the crowd in ST Peter's Square.
They try to perpetuate this lie despite the photographic and video evidence to the contrary, and the memories of those wihtout an agenda.
This Goebbles-like use of the Big Lie is disturbing, but ultimately to no avail.
(Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
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