Sunday, March 25, 2007

Lord of Darkness, RIP?

Is this for real?


Anonymous said...

Brilliant!!! Hilarious!!! It's not a 'real' newscast but it is a brilliant way to testify that the Son of God has come to "destroy the works of the devil."

Zadok the Roman said...

It's obviously not a news report - but is it something issued by a Baptist church or is it a parody?

Argent said...

Lordy, this could be right in my hometown. 'Course the question is what Baptist church...Free Will Baptist, Southern Baptist, Primitive Baptist, American Baptist, Independent Baptist...and they're all right 'round the corner.

romaryka said...

it can't be real - the police would have jesus cuffed and ready to haul off in the squad car. innocent until proven guilty, of course, but caught by eyewitnesses and local cops alike in flagrante de(vi)licto.